Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Final Project to End all Projects

     Well my loyal blog followers we have reached the end of the line. Here I embed my final project halfheartedly, knowing it's my last blog post. But rejoice! For I have put my heart and soul into every minute detail of my family's heritage and I hope you enjoy hearing about it as I did making it for you. 

     First, I sent an email to my family members to get some background knowledge on my family. Then I interviewed my Mother and Father to see what they know, and at last I had enough information to make a family tree and in FamilyEcho, a Prezi, and an Infographic. To conclude it all I made a five-frame storyboard of my family going from oldest to youngest. 

Monday, May 5, 2014


      I like the video, mostly because of the guys British accent. I agree that people are becoming my antisocial when the dint look up and talk. I like the little story the guy put in there, explaining why you should put down the phone. I see people all the time, myself included on their phones instead of talking, like a parties or work things. I probably don't use m phone too much but I still could put it down more. The guy is also a pretty good poet.