Friday, December 6, 2013


  • Write a detailed journal entry (on your blog) reflecting on your product website answering the following questions:
    1. What are you most proud of on your product website? Explain what it is and why you are proud of that specific item. This could be a design, layout, image, navigation, etc.
    2. Looking back on the website process and after seeing other students websites, what would you have done differently? Would you have spent more time on it? Mapped out the original idea better? Explain.
    3. Thinking about just the "interaction" element of your website; meaning how the user interacts with the design and layout - where they click and how they navigate through the site. What did you do to make this easier on the user? What could you have done better to make the interaction of your site better? Explain.
    4. Think back to all the websites you looked at yesterday in class, was there a website that stood out to your or was a favorite of yours (besides your own)? What made it good? Why was it your favorite. Explain.
    5. If you were to give advice to future web design students about this project, what would you tell them? Why would you tell them that?
     I'm most proud how my footer. I spent a whole class period looking through different websites and learning about footers. It was funny Sam and I pretty much finished our websites like a week early because we actually got stuff done, unlike the slackers sitting behind me. I had social media links that actually worked in my footer. I also liked my glowing rollover images. 
     I would probably changed the color scheme. My website was mostly blue so I would add some black bars with like white text or something. I also would of put a mission statement or something in there. I also would of added more rollover images to the index because they look cool. 
     The interaction of my website was well done in my opinion. I linked most photos if they needed to be linked and I linked the footer to the important pages. I also had linked rollover images.
     I liked the photo website. It had a nice color scheme, the pictures were also really cool.
     Link your header to your index because a buch of people didn't do that and have rollover images because they look cool.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Journal - Reflect on your product website so far. What have you learned? What do you like about your website? What have you found frustrating? What do you wish you knew before you started? Go in to detail about the learning process as you have built this site.

     I learned through the product website the Dreamweaver does not have a spell check therefore I have to rely on Sam to help me. The most important thing that I learned was how to use a template to make my pages so I don't have to link each and every page. I like how my website is very centered and neat. The most frustrating thing has to be getting my editable region to work correctly. I also didn't how I had to save every photo  into my folder.