Thursday, October 31, 2013


Journal - Tell me about the color scheme of your product website? What is it? Why did you choose these colors? How do these color relate to your target market and audience? How do the colors relate to the product? What plans do you have to make these colors work for your site?

     My color scheme is mono dark blue. I choose it because blue is cool. The game's home screen is blue and it looks good. My color relates to the target audience because blue is geared towards older people. The cover of the game and the in game menu is blue themed. I will have these colors work for me.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Journal – what did you choose for your product website? What is your idea behind the site? Describe your site in a paragraph.

    I chose the video game Battlefield 4. I'm pretty excited for the game so, I thought that would be good motivation to do my best on the site.  I have several pages for the site, most of them are pretty basic like FAQ, purchasing information, and reviews. Some other pages I'm really going to have to think about, like history and the contact the developer page. I'm to try and stick with dark blues and smoke because it looks cool. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


Journal - What have you learned about copyrights when it comes to web design and images this semester? Why is it important to give credit where credit is due (even if it is a lot of work)?

     I learned that some images have a copyright, which means that you can not copy or use that image. I found out that there are websites that have images that you can copy and use for whatever you want, like flickr. I also know that you have to pay a big fine if you get caught copying an image. I see the importance of giving credit, because I wouldn't want anybody else taking credit for my stuff.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Journal - Tell me about your Homecoming weekend (whether you went to the activities or not!). Tell me about what you did over the weekend.

     I had a cross country meet that morning at Ray Pec, so I had to wake up at five am to get on the bus. I had an awful start at the begging of the race, so I probably had to pass over one hundred people to get to the spot I wanted. Then later that day I got to go to homecoming. I had a great time with my date and the group I was with. Then on Sunday I just laid around and slept.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Journal - Go Google "website wireframe". What do you find? Look at images and web content. What is a wireframe? How can a wireframe be helpful and give you ideas when creating and designing a website?

     A wireframe is a outline for a website. They look like the skeleton, with no information, just brief descriptions of what is in the box. You can look at other wireframes to get ideas for a different layout. They help you stay organized, and give you a plan. If you are like me, you do not think outside the box. So seeing other people's designs are helpful.